
Lord forgive me for laughing too hard at this person/situation... I kid you NOT!

So today while everything was going well, we suddenly had network issues at work. We worked to get everything back up online asap and then sent out an email for those affected to either restart their machines or refresh their desktops but we recommend restarting... After some few client calls, this special call came in..

Riiing, riiiiiing, ring....
Me: hi, how can help you?

Client: *laughing.. This is probably a stupid question but I forgot how to "refresh" my desk top..the thing is, I have Febreeze but I don't think that's for desk tops.

Me: Wait, what? 🤔 Febreeze for what?😕

Client: You guys sent an email to refresh our desk tops and I said I have Febreeze so how will that get my things in the computer back to show again?

Me: Ohhh, no no. We meant your computer desktop. You don't need Febreeze. Right click anywhere on your computer in the screen and select refresh from the pop up menu. We meant your computer "desktop" not your actual "desk top".

Client: *starts laughing...I told you it was a stupid question

Me: don't worry.. It wasn't stupid.

After I hang up, some of my team members asked me why someone is asking about Febreeze...I told them and they all started laughing hysterically

I was still trying to digest the conversation I had just have on the phone. 😂😂😂

  • 6
    This gave me a good laugh while waiting for the bus
  • 7
    Just so you guys know, I finally had to remote into the client's computer to do the refresh for her.
  • 2
    Im confused
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    @rasm945i look up "mandela effect"
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  • 4
    The mendella effect is a thoery that says we live in a reality which is occasionally rransformed due to ripples that change the matrix.

    Here are some questions and answer without researching:

    -“looney tunes” or “loney toons”?

    - “sex in the city” or “sex and the city”?
  • 0
    @Santaclauze still doesnt make sense to me xD
    I do understand it tho
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    @rasm945i people are misremembering things en masse enough that it may be evidence (though not scientific evidence) that there are multiple dimensions or timelines. Check YouTube videos for it. The Febreze/Febreeze is one such example.
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    @arcadesdude now it makes more sense, but still sounds weird :P
  • 2
    Ok febreze is a refreshener. This client knows how to do her job as long as her needed programs work fine. She doesn't know what refreshing her computer is so she though she need febreze to refresh (aka, make something clean again) her desk top (I'm talking about the top of her desk, the wooden part). But she was smart enough to know that, that won't solve her computer problem. That's why I eventually had to remote in to do it for her.
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    The other possibility is that simply our brain by logic would have thought one answer rather than the other and ultimatly be fooled by our brain.
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