

Not that anyone will need it here.. But just wanted people to have a look at these and get comments about how to go about this in the coming days..

Thank you.

  • 2
    @Haxk20 I am thinking of abandoning this.. I created this blog when i had no idea about other platforms.. The pain that i undergo during editing is literally too much.. I spent 30 mins editing my text using grammarly.. which was unexplicably slow in wordpress site.. while i finished writing the entire article in 20..
  • 1
    @aEEEdev if you're open to new platforms, you should definitely check out: https://hexo.io/ it's amazing, very themable, simple and allows you to host it even on github, since it generates static content, more here: https://www.staticgen.com/
  • 0
    @Haxk20 there is no need to create an entire platform yourself, if there is something fitting your needs just perfectly fine and is both easily themable and extensible to even further match your taste and comfort.
  • 1
    @Haxk20 you know WP was created for creating blogs? Which the linked site is.
  • 1
    @JoshBent I will try it for sure
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