
Been having stomach pains since I read my boss's email, giving me new tasks.

This is becoming regular btw. It happens even when I run into him.

Any advice for how to manage?

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    Do you need a contact for a corpse disposal service?
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    @Lensflare Personally I just turn my enemies into frikadeels.

    The belgian way
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    @antigermanist I knew I could count on you to help out with contacts or to provide ideas yourself.
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    get a new job
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    He's right @NoMad you should stop giving a shit. There's thousand of jobs out there for ya.
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    Sounds all too familiar ☚ī¸
    Stab him and/or leave him?
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    So you got hired to the place you applied?

    What you feel is butterflies, your boss is a hottii.

    So you just feel uncomfortable and don't know why? Did he do smth wrong? You feel pressured or something?

    Does everyone here knows smth i don't?
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    > What you feel is butterflies, your boss is a hottii.

    Thank you for the good laugh 😂
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    One by one, no rush. Having them prioritized helps.

    But srsly, they don't have to be implemented all at once. That's what, a 2mo time worth of tasks? Bit by byte :)
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    As others have said, fight or flight
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    Contract runs out in a few months. I should apply for residency, but I need to pass the language test and that's a big deal for me. Even without residency, contract runs out and then I move to Kazakhstan or Georgia and open a coffee shop. (Language issues will persist, but hey, not my first rodeo)
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    Just need to not get fired for like 2 more months AND study enough for the language exam... Kill me plz.
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    Get Calm magnesium powder? Or whatever equiv is local.
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    I also haven't been able to eat for like over a day cuz of the pain and nausea. Low sugar is a big bitch.

    The biggest bitch tho, is that according to google the fact that I cannot finish a deep satisfying breath is because I've been having mini panic attacks. So I'm breathing deeper and longer and that causes lower co2 in blood which apparently messes with the head and body. I constantly feel like yawning, but the yawn never arrives. It's annoying. The current method for dealing with it is basically holding my breath in like a child. FML.
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    @Demolishun already am on mg because of sleep, at least.
    Is there magnesium in gaviscon? If yes, even more so.
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    @NoMad I dunno. I take it when I feel anxious.
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    @retoor none of those. Some stories involving HR, and he basically told me "I would fire you if I could".
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    @NoMad oh wow, couldn't live with that either. What went wrong that a bos can be so blunt. I understand that you're not in the position to say f u? I would not be able to work if employer would say that. I won't see the point anymore. I'm pure motivationdriven, want to contribute. No money on earth alone could make me work.
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    @retoor I'm similar. I got here because I thought I'd hide away from the world in a small town and focus on my PhD, but the people here are horrible and I was not allowed to really use a robot. I've wasted years.

    ... No joke, I tear up thinking about it.
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    Maybe it was not a waste, but it wasn't pleasant either. I'm lonely, not even a few good friends after years of living here. And clearly I don't even have a good job.
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    @NoMad So sad to hear :( I always had good experiences with coworkers and such, my motivation and dedication spreads like a virus in a team. But there was one company that just was dead inside. Not horrible people, but just demotivated and i became a while one of them. It's so sad, we come for development and some fun ready to rock and such people exist. First time in my life that i felt like a slave, because I didn't go to work voluntary anymore. Working in a good environment boosts me, the more the better actually. But if the environment is bad, it destroys me. My most happy environment was a very unprofessional one where just work is done, hardcore programming full time, no meetings at all, mission was clear. No scrum. No reviews. Everyone responsible for his own part. That ownership resulted in very stable modules. That amaturistic company had in the end the best quality software. It had very good manual testers - literally a selection of customers and good employees.
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    @jestdotty the environment was awesome for certain people I didn't align with. It had many of those sadly. I was the strange duck in the pond with my "let's go hardcore" attitude. They were more "let's go classical music".
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    lye turns people into soap.

    ask ai to make you a loge, add scent and open a soap shop. sell all the soap you made from him and go under. done.
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    @NoMad aw cool can i come to georgia?

    I want to sell tea.
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