
what if you never die

what if you're constantly, with every conscious decision, on a choose your own adventure ride

what would you choose 👀

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    Just let me die
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    Would I get to choose which era I'd be alive in? A monarch in the Victorian era would be nice. Been always fascinated by it.
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    Oh... Hi, Lestat. What are you doing here?

    What? You're offering me a choice you've never had?

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    That changes nothing.

    You can‘t experience the state of being dead, so as far as you are concerned, you never die.

    And living your life, you constantly make decisions as if you were on a "choose your own adventure".

    So you choose whatever you choose.
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    @Lensflare > You can‘t experience the state of being dead

    Yes you can. Have you tried acid?
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    @Lensflare I choose an elefant painkiller dose
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    I guess the original post can also be understood as "What would you do if you were immortal?"
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    @Lensflare destroy all humans most probably
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    The many sci fi movies and tv series that I watched have lead me to the following conclusion:

    No matter how horrifying it might be to imagine to die, it‘s much more horrifying to imagine to not being able to die.
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    Who tf downvoted this? Acid is a public utility
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    @Lensflare especially understandable when you can get fed up of living even during normal human lifespan
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    @antigermanist downvoted for the sheer stupidity of such a statement, not because acid is illegal or something.
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    @Lensflare you're stupid, idiot. It's a real thing.

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    @Lensflare your mum's illegal. Everytime she moves there's an Erdbeben killing thousands
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    @Lensflare Actually that's it. I had enough with you. Give me your mum's phone number. I'm calling her RIGHT NOW.
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    @antigermanist I don‘t need to go to whatever websites that you are linking.

    You can‘t experience the state of being dead, by definition.
    No amount of drugs or spiritual bullshit will give you an actual experience of being dead, because nobody knows how it is to be dead, because it‘s fucking impossible, again, by definition.

    Just because your drug trips give you the feeling of "woah bro, it’s totally like I‘m dead, bro" doesn‘t mean it‘s actually like being dead. Fucking imbecile.
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    @Lensflare brain scans shows the exact opposite you fucking retard. Do you know how to science or only piss some shitty java code and whine about stuff while the nazis are rounding up arabs
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    @Lensflare I officially diagnose you with a disease called "being a stuck up bitch with a giant stick stuck up his bithole so deep it's creating a quantic abnormality that defies all the rules of science".

    Your entire personality is about being anal and overly rationalistic
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    @Lensflare did you even know the brain releases Triptamine at the time of death? Of course you don't, you machine-brained sex-offender-looking ubertwat
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    ostream has upvoted my last comment with his 2 clown accounts to troll me.
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    Well, after getting painfully implanted a second hard and a pair of lungs, cleansing the galaxy of the mutant and the alien, doing the same for the heretic, i dunno, watch a movie
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    I'd probably still take immortality, pain is the part of life that makes the rest worth living.

    My biggest worry would be that you become the equivalent of a neanderthal to the future people.

    But there are infinite of things to enjoy in the world, and being immortal, you can experience things many people can't. Want to lock yourself up for 1000 years to research something you can, want to create the cure the cancer, you can, the FBI CAN'T kill you.

    Anyway img attached was me reading the comments
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    @BordedDev what you talking about you would be the only one who doesnt forget history. Unlimited power!!!! But for good, like breeding out greed or the urge to rip another monkeys balls out
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    @BordedDev sorry i didnt read your second half
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    @Chewbanacas imagine you remember all of history but no one believes you, except for some flat earthers and moon landing deniers.

    Unlimited power? More like unlimited frustration.
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    @Lensflare the trick is not on trying to win them over with verbal force, but nudging them subtly in the right direction so they believe its their idea
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    @Chewbanacas ah, master level psychology :)
    This is gonna be hard though, extremely hard.
    But I like your approach :)
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    I would choose a teachers profession for 300 years, after that I would choose to be Politician and work on changing things for positive
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    Immortality is stupid looking at me I am alr dead Inside experiencing it fully
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    > actually he's correct and those drugs would make you know what it's like to be dead

    Oh jeez 🤦‍♂️

    He is trolling but what excuse do you have for not understanding the impossibility of it?
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    > you can be in different bodies

    Well then that leaves numerous options, I'd probably go back to old me first XD

    But can we take people with us? Or is everyone else pawns in your play?

    > with equivalent human intelligence

    Yeah, that would be fun
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    The whole 'experience death' thing reminded me of 'Flatliners'.

    Great movies, both of them.
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    @D-4got10-01 I think many confuse dying with being dead.
    It makes a huge difference.
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    @Lensflare don't hug your mummy in the next few weeks. I just got diagnosed with scabbies.
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    @antigermanist what does your wife think of your obsessive fantasies to have sex with someone else's moms?
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    @Lensflare just asked her. She want to have sex with your mum too
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    @Lensflare That's quite true. We can't really know what the experience is like until we get there.
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    @Lensflare you can experience the dissolution of ego. A pretty close thing to death.
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    @iiii how do you know that it‘s close? That‘s the thing. You can‘t. When you are dead, you have no consciousness to experience something, so you can‘t remember this experience to compare it later.

    You can‘t because it‘s impossible to experience something when you are dead (otherwise you wouldn‘t be dead) and because you cant come back from being dead, again, otherwise you wouldn‘t be actually dead. Both by the definition of the word dead.

    Now I‘m sick of having to point out this simple thing.
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    @Lensflare the thing is you feel alive only because you have ego that can reflect upon experience. No ego means no reflection. No reflection means no feeling of being alive or being at all, just a meat reactive automaton.
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    @iiii I think I get what you are saying but I’m skeptical about if it makes sense, philosophically.

    You could probably define ego death as actual death, because if you have no ego, what’s the difference? In both cases you can’t experience it.
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    @Lensflare and I'm sick of having to tell you to order some mescaline and shove it into your butthole so you can finally see God.
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    @Lensflare not kidding you should do acid it would teach you a thing or two about not relaxing your anus
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    @Lensflare take haldol for a while and you experience real ego death. And indeed, what's the point of living at that moment. But you don't want anything anymore, not even kill yourself. You'll do nothing. Try to sleep, but you can't always sleep. It doesn't matter much if tv's on or not. Your brains do not have signal. All you do is pass time and it goes really slow. 1,5 year I had this. Felt like ten and I consider myself tortured. It wasn't voluntary but demanded by state. If there's a reason to kill, i have one.

    Anyway, I went from 1,5 year staring to a wall to this. Almost fully recovered. My dad already gave up on me but regrets that now. That's a ego death, if even your dad thinks you're gone and won't come back.

    Oh, statistics in that image? Did that in a half year. Suck on that.
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    @Lensflare that's why I've called it "pretty close to death"
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    @antigermanist dafuq is this?
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    @retoor wow, that sucks. Sorry to hear that this happened to you. Sounds like torture indeed.

    About the term ego death, it’s again an issue about the definition and that’s the whole problem.
    You can’t talk or argue about things if you have differing definitions of that thing.
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    @Lensflare well, I faced issues since end of 2018 when I had my first psychosis, never fully recovered from that but now - I believe in a 100% recovery. Took more than 5 years. I really feel myself again. Gone for 5 years almost. Spent a lot of time locked up in hospital. But it's ok. It happened, I actually have the feeling i've won the lottery by recovering. Feeling better daily. I can get quite pissed again :P Not the best property, but it's really me. It's a sign. But i'm drinking a bit lately, that's also a sign since I always did but i have to watch out a bit. I drink sometimes gluhwein, but if i watch under the sink i see more than a few times bottles. I'm lieing to myself. Selective memory of the worst kind. Nah, it will be ok.
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    @retoor be careful though, alcoholism is not a joke.
    A wise man once told me to never drink alone. And I’m passing this wisdom to you now :)
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    @iiii an acid analog. But the one I'm very curious to try would be 5-APB. A MDMA analogue without the amphetamine part
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    @jestdotty if you are experiencing something, than you are not dead. Why is this so hard to understand. It’s the definition of being dead.
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    @jestdotty congrats, you have discovered a popular philosophical interpretation of that!
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    @Lensflare haha, I applied that rule when younger and creative me found literally every day someone to drink with.
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    @antigermanist i had it several times. It's ok.
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    @antigermanist isn't that illegal to be selling so open?
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    @jestdotty if you keep experiencing, then the brain is still active in some way and is obviously not dead.
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    @Lensflare > A wise man once told me to never drink alone.

    I've heard that one, too. When it came up during some conversation, the other person replied 'That's why I have a pet.'.

    ...The creativity of some...
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    @jestdotty lazarus syndrome
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    @jestdotty well then the machines are wrong
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