
I'm the only one who loves programming and computers but hate most of the culture around it? The tropes (caffeine addiction, programming socks...), the YouTube "gurus" who makes clickbait titles and usually screams while reading other peoples blogs, the [hyperSpecificWebFramework]Conf where hours are wasted in which seems an infomercial for "yet another way to update an HTML page basing on a series of properties", the hackathons...

More I distance myself from this mountain of BS more my enthusiasm for tech grows

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    1. caffeine - fine with this

    2. socks - weird faggot fetish shit

    3. youtuber shit - I dunno, I don't watch youtuber shit

    4. I don't do web stuff

    5. I did an in person hackathon in my town once. It was fun. That community died because of covid.

    I think the weirdest programmer shit I have seen came from reddit. Specifically the reddit programming humor subs. There is a concerted effort there to push niche fetishist shit and feminize young boys. Bizzare. I don't care what an adult chooses to be. But don't try to normalize your weird shit with kids.
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    Wtf are programmer socks? No I'm not googling it, I feel like I'll get on a list
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    @lungdart I don't know but I'm wearing 10 socks right now.
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    @donkulator on your feet right...?
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    I actually love the culture. It's a relative new sector so it has learned from all other sectors already. We have a lot of freedom. Also, look at this site, how decent it is unmoderated! Only relax people that don't need moderation here. What other community has that? Also developers are quite soft / ethical (bit too ethical for my flavor often, calling smth toxic too quickly imho). I like it a lot.
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    @lungdart > "Wtf are programmer socks?"

    I think they are what some marketing department sold to tech companies that programmers like colorful/cartoonish socks. I don't know when the trend started, but every conference I've been to in the past 5 or so years, the vendor booth(s) hand out socks.

    I use them as my 'outside' socks (what I wear when I work outside, exercise, etc), since they are typically very low quality and I don't care if they get tore up.
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    @PaperTrail oh shit, i have those socks. Woops.
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    Wtf is that other shit ?

    Caffeine addiction.
    After work strippers

    Angry driving

    Whiskey lol
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    you watch my shit though 😛
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    @SidTheITGuy its not all shit.
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    @Demolishun yep, coffee is great. As long as you’re not actually addicted to it, it’s all good. I have no idea about any of that other shit, it sounds like stuff you have to go out of your way to consume.
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    @PaperTrail that's not what programmer socks is. The "trend" refers to some effort to feminize or degrade programmers as weebs and neets. It refers to long knee high womens socks, usually with the traditional anime patterns like stripped socks and so on. [The joke being that you should be wearing them while coding, no matter what sex you are]

    I don't know where it started exactly, but from what I hear it was either 4chan or reddit (duh) where some group tried to force this fetish on new people by trolling and manipulation.

    No idea what their conversion rate was but as far as I can tell the op is over and dead at this point. I refer to it as an op because some people, me including, think it was an organized effort by someone.

    For those reason, I really wouldnt call it a programming trend. Whoever fell for it is more of a victim of some fucked up psyops than anything else.
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    @retoor Thanks for balancing my negative POV with your positive comment, it game me food for tought!
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    @Hazarth You might be right, there are people that have something to gain in degrading our trade and staining it with fetish BS can be a way to do that. Or they might just be trolls who loves to watch the world burn.
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    @Hazarth programming socks is cuz there are no women and everybody will be single, so let's convert the most feminine of us into trannies

    it starts small with some lite crossdressing... escalates. it's like grooming
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    @jestdotty so basically a Japanese trend? Aren't they having issues with population shrinking because dudes won't talk to girls?
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    @jestdotty It's totally like grooming. I seem to vaguely remember that there was some actual impact to peoples lives because of it, but I can't quote any sources so not sure.

    I hate people and trends that pray on the psyche of the weaker minded people. Like gambling, NFTs, drugs, this sort of sexual manipulation, including AI girlfriends n stuff. :( Makes me sad, angry, frustrated and annoyed all at the same time
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