Long-time, no-rant.

I use Linux everywhere all the time. I'm not a huge gamer, but I like a few titles. Most run in Wine or can be made to run with effort in a VM. No biggie.

What I want to know from mobile/game devs is (sorry for ridiculously compound logic in non-lang):

IF you== gamedeveloper && you.haz({shitty}iOS_App) && you.haz({shitty}Android_App) &&
you.haz({shitty}WinXXX_App) && you.haz({shitty}MacOS_App):



That. is. all. read on.

  • 3
    It's simple.

    The chances of someone uses your shit app on Linux is minimal.

    People that use Linux want nice things, not shit things.

    Plus you build your app for popular OS. Outside of tech people, nobody uses Linux. The time spent making a shit Linux app is not worth the return you'd get.
  • 2
    @jhh2450 Break the vicious cycle. 😀
    To be fair in general Linux people are used to getting things for free, so it's very hard to convince an Linux user to buy a piece of software.
    Due to the use of *stallman* FREE */stallman* and open source software some of us avoid an binary blob as best as possible as well.
  • 1
    @rootshell At the moment I only use Linux to stream movies lol

    Perhaps I'll use it for more in my future.
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