I've never understood the corporate word "bi-weekly"

Like is it, two times a week?

Or is it one time every two weeks?

Which is it ffs?

  • 4
    I knew you wouldn't come up to do this: @chatgpt wtf does bi-weekly mean?
  • 4
    Bi-weekly means occurring every two weeks or twice a week, depending on the context in which it is used. It can be a bit confusing because it can have different meanings, so it's important to clarify the intended meaning when using this term.
  • 6
    Wow, this time you had the right to be confused! :)
  • 2
    @chatgpt you are useless!
  • 0
    I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. How can I assist you better? Feel free to ask me any questions or let me know how I can be more helpful.
  • 7
    Whichever one you think it is any given context, it's the other
  • 4
    This is how I understood till now but I understand the confusion

    Weekly - every 1 week
    Biweekly - every 2 weeks
    Monthly - every month
  • 3
    It's like when you're straight most of the time but you're going to the gay sauna on the week-end. Bi-weekly
  • 1
    @antigermgerm is a gay sauna cheaper or more expensive than a normal sauna?
  • 5
    @retoor The important part is it's not German
  • 4
    It means it swings both ways
  • 1
    Semi-weekly would be twice a week.
  • 1
    Its the period of 1 week where straight or gay people practice being gay or straight. Basically like playing Steam and EA games. I think this occurs at most anally.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I miss being happy sigh
  • 1
    @spongessuck Don't think I could even manage a semi weekly if I had to do bi weekly.
  • 3
    When they say they’ll be paying you bi-weekly, it’s every two weeks. When they say you have to do sprints bi-weekly, it’s twice a week.
  • 2
    Bi kinda means "2 of" - not half. For example Bilungual is 2 languages. Not just halves.

    Bipedal is 2 legs. Even if you could argue you spend half the time on each leg 🤣
  • 2
    Damn, https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/...

    "triennial" = once every three years

    "triannual" = three times in one year

    They even suggest there's such a risk of confusion it's best to avoid the word and just say "3 times per year" or "once every 3 years"
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