
I don't believe what I just saw..

  • 6
    what in the bizzare crazy land everloving fuck is a motivation letter?
  • 8
    @SidTheITGuy idk but if you pay 0.49€ you'll be allowed to submit it ☠️
  • 7
    @myss I’ve heard of scams like that before, but I’ve never seen one.
  • 8
    @SidTheITGuy that's a normal thing. If you really want to have some job, you don't add only a resume what is just a story about. But motivation letter is just you saying "I will be good, i will be awesome, I always wanted to do this. Tihis is my dereaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam".

    I did it once, AFTER being rejected. Got another chance, still got rejected :P DAMMIT :P That company did spy shit, really wanted. Also electronics. It was at beginning of my career . They did like me but wanted some more grey hairs they said. I do understand that.
  • 6
    @retoor the weird part is them asking for money to submit the CV. Poes
  • 7
    @SidTheITGuy this bullshit system where they want to write fanfiction about working for them
  • 7

    Fucking barbarians.
  • 4
    @TheBeardedOne Yep, great use for AI
  • 9
    That’s infuriating!

    Top border of the checkbox is missing!
  • 6
    @Lensflare borderline incompetent!
  • 4
    Oh yes, on topic. I would never, ever, do a SMS payment. Especially not ik this case. It's too weird. Must be evil. Maybe the worst way ever to get only serious people or they want naive people that takes down the company trough a phising email.
  • 5
    @retoor Yeah, or very desperate. It would be interesting to contact the bank and cancel the transaction afterwards though
  • 4
    And surely nobody would report the account for (+ credit) scam
  • 3
    @scor Surely, also you might have a good point there, because if it's a transaction they can check your billing info maybe
  • 3
    I have to make a business case.
  • 1
    ... so there's a lot of job application spam, especially now with AIs

    actually that might be a good idea. spammers won't bother. 50 cents isn't particularly important. but it does kind of feel insulting
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy I think it's a "why do want this shit job more than other available shit jobs" letter
  • 1
    after this they be like "people don't want to work anymore "
  • 1
    Waiting for the reveal, @myss.
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