So I've noticed there's a lot of php hatred here on devRant xD Does anybody know of any modern php communities or forums to join? I've searched for a few but a lot are outdated.

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    @mebekix idk, I searched under php tags here on devrant and well.. it made me scared to know php lol
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    devRant has a few PHP devs so, hi from a PHP devπŸ‘‹
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    Ignore it. If you check the other posts from the people that bash PHP. They don't even have dev jobs, and only know js. So don't take them seriously. Most just say it for the upvotes now I think.
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    @J-2FA haven't heard of that one. Thanks :)
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    @oneinazillion13 Haha I couldn't agree more xD
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    @J-2FA noted!
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    I guess most of the hate for PHP dates back to <5.3 or shitty insecure tutorials... However if you know how to use the tools it's a nice cozy language!
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    @Wack yeah I've heard terrible stories of php in the past. Luckily, I started learning php with 7.1 and I think it's pretty awesome so far :)
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    @konicm8ker then you're one of the lucky ones. Imagine no real types for functions, no returntypes, old insecury `mysql_*` functions, legacy spaghetti code without classes (if you're lucky functions).

    What people also critisize is, that functions are named insonsistently, stuff like `str_...` but then there's also `str...` functions.

    Php usually runns single threaded but fir a webserver IMO that's a good thing.
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    @konicm8ker about the stories:

    I've seen horrible legacy code bases. Imagine a file with 8000-9000 lines of code, a hell of a lot of functions that then was included on almoast every page by hand. The best part about it was that there where about 5 of those. Written between 2003 to 2010.

    Ah the joy of legacy
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    @Wack wow that sounds horrific lol I've really enjoyed the mysqli functionality.
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    @konicm8ker I'd consider switching to PDO. Check out this ressource: https://phpdelusions.net/pdo

    Generally in terms of tutorials I'd recommend http://www.phptherightway.com/
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    @Wack Not the first time PDO has been recommended, I'll have to make time to learn that :) phptherightway is an excellent resource as well, thanks!
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    @konicm8ker trust me PDO takes some time but it's worth it! If you're looking for an ORM, you could take a look at Doctrine https://www.doctrine-project.org/
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    I do often browse /r/PHP on Reddit, sometimes there's quite useful stuff posted
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    PHP was my first language, so I'm connected with it in a special way. I wanted a job with it, but somehow I ended up doing frontend...

    ...but I bought a project in Yii2 from a colleague and doing 2 other projects in Laravel + Vue.js in my free time so thats going for me, which is nice
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    Feel free to discuss about PHP here.

    I don't know any php-specific online community but I like laravel community.
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    Php is outdated too, so you will be fine at this communities. πŸ™‚
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    @superuser just because it's old foes not make it outdated

    Go away childish troll.
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    @superuser so is C I guess, but most software wouldn't work without it.
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    Thanks for the positive feedback guys :D
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