The orange juice in United States looks and taste different

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    love oj! Especially when hungover lol
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    probably because it has an average orange content of 0.5%
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    that's because they're nazis
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    If you didn't squeeze the oranges yourself it's not orange juice.
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    @cafecortado thanks, now I want to squeeze some oranges…
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    It's coming from an organic, free range, unregulated market.
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    @lorentz from happy orange trees
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    @Lensflare Well, happy shareholders anyway
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    It's made from concentrate. Even if it says its not, it probably is. The water is evaporated out and it's reconstituted later.

    I haven't bought Orange Juice in years though. Too much sugar and I'm fat.
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    I can't drink juice (I live in Canada)

    it all makes me feel sick

    but if it's actually squeezed from the fruit it's delicious and I don't get the sick feeling

    sigh 😭
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