
The third most significant world altering scenario after ww3 and climate catastrophe is deglobalization, with countries closing their borders and moving production inland. I analyzed everything, and France seems to be the best place to live if it happens. Here’s why:
- It’s a democracy with strong culture of political opposition
- Strong economy
- It produces its own military equipment: Leclerc tanks, Dassault Rafale/Mirage 2000 fighter jets (and others), Mistral battle ships
- It has a very strong army, including the infamous foreign legion
- It can make its own passenger jets
- It produces a lot of food — enough to sustain itself many times over
- Great climate diversity
- Sea
- Nuclear energy. When gas/oil-exporting states like russia and middle eastern countries stop exporting, nuclear energy will make all the difference in the world.

Every other country that can compete in those categories fail miserably in one of them:
- Germany is a good all-rounder as well, but is too dependent on importing fossil fuels
- USA has the strongest economy and military, but it’s very divided
- China has a lot of resources, including production and nuclear energy, but it’s a dictatorship
- Russia is a dictatorship too, and a disfunctional one. It’s bad at food production too
- Nordic states are way too cold, and they get too few sunny days — keeping your body healthy might be a challenge. Also, no growing food there

Am I missing something?

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    it's filled with french people

    who, in Quebec, are supremacists against those who speak English
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    I stopped at France. Don't you see the shit what's going on there daily? Democracy :p

    Too dependant on importing fossil fuels 😂😂😂 Whaha, what's wrong with you 😂😂😂 I can't breathe. Anyway, there's coal enough for them.

    You're missing the Dutch. Also, our army rates the 36th strongest in the world 😎

    What an unbelievable stupid factors. Omg omg omg.

    No tv for you anymore.
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    New Zealand?
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    @donkulator doesn't have its own military production, can't survive without the US
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    nuclear will make no difference if the uranium-exporting countries say "fuck you", too.

    now wind and sun - that's energy sources that can't be put under an embargo.

    also: "no growing food in nordic countries"?

    so all the inhabitants up there are just living off the air?
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    @tosensei uranium can totally be stockpiled to last a hundred years. I remember a pic from an old German book on atomic energy I read when I was little: a cargo train packed to the brim with coal, and a 10cm^3 cube of uranium, saying they were equal in the amount of energy they produced.
    I can agree with the wind thing, especially since Siemens makes wind turbines. Sun though? You have to produce your own solar panels, and they are 100% Chinese made now.
    Nordic countries just import their food.
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    @kiki still, a stockpile is always finite. and keep in mind that nuclear plants are, strategically speaking, a prime target for enemy attacks, and therefore the dumbest possible way to secure your energy production from hostile foreign forces.
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    @tosensei large scale war is a different scenario I explicitly opted out of. Stockpile of 100 years is infinite.
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    But they speak french. This alone is a deal breaker.
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    @jestdotty because the anglos oppressed them in the past. You did not, but try to understand history.


    But yeah french people are racist. They needed white people to be racist, otherwise the bosses would have to give brown people paid time off too and who is supposed to pick up shit in the fields?

    French "democracy" and social system was born on the back of its colonies. They do have a lot of opposition, but the white leftists and the brown people in shitty projects just won't ally against the government.

    Also it's actually very right wings on some subjects. Gay marriage was a huge deal, the government keeps governing by decree instead of listening to the parliament, and they throw literal grenades at protesters and even people who do free parties.

    Drugs will never be decriminalized because arabs smoke weed and they self-identify with wine drinking out of sheer racism. Meaning they all get cirrhosis at 40.
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    @kiki just get a remote job and move to spain. The country is empty outside of big cities and the coasts.
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    @antigermgerm remote jobs won't exist
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    @kiki also what makes you think france would even exist. Big nation-state like france or germany are globalists themselves. They imposed themselves on the ethnicity of the people who were there before (britons, occitans,...) by marking a racial divide between what's supposed to be french and what isn't to justify colonization.

    In a world were neocolonialism is gone, these countries will just explode.
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    @kiki but yes the west coast of france is very beautiful. Try roscoff, britanny. An old smuggler village who profited off the booze trade to the UK.
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    @antigermgerm read my rant again friend.
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    @kiki or come to belgium. We sucks but we have waffles
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    @kiki it's also a problem in the scenario "small scale foreign actor that doesn't like you".

    which is a scenario that's basically always on.
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    I hear you but on the other hand, it's France so...
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    @TheBeardedOne if you go in the very center of the country there is no so much people.
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    The Nordic countries aren't that cold anymore, largely owing to the climate changes. My region, the Åland Islands, has the most hours of sunshine in the entire Baltic region. This is actually a decent place to live, worth checking out. I may be biased since I was born and raised here, but I've also lived in neighboring countries, Finland and Sweden. They both have their pros and cons, but overall, the Åland Islands still stands out.
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    @TerriToniAX ooooh can you do rock climbing there??

    How expensive is a spot at the marina for a ten footer sailboats?

    Can I surf?
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    @antigermgerm @kiki explicitly said no dictatorships.

    Right now Spain is one, so it's out of the question.
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    @CoreFusionX ahem? Spain is a dictatorship? FYI: I'm allergic to white boys calling democracies dictatorships over some twitter shit. In Russia, you may go about your day at 3pm, then suddenly at 8pm you're at the police station, and by 4am you sign a document stating that you did 9/11 and raped putin's daughter. When they put those metal clips on your earlobes and pass some current through, it does something to you and you crack.

    Unless shit like this is happening left right and center, the country is a democracy.
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    Yes, you can do rock climbing here. There are no high mountains but there are some really steep cliffs.

    You can do windsurfing here. There is also one spot in Eckerö, where you can do some (very limited) wave surfing when the wind is just right, but in all fairness it's rather lame so don't expect any tube rides...

    I'm not into sailing myself, but perhaps you can find some information on some of the marinas' web pages, like ÅSS (https://segel.ax/) or MSF (https://msf.ax/gasthamnen-eng/).
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