
accept fungi

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    Eat them or be eaten by them, I say.
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    @Lensflare that last one happens to everyone eventually (yes even when cremated ;P)
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    @Lensflare / @BordedDev ever researched mycelium? Those white wires connceting all the mushrooms. Electric pulses go trough it like a brain. The mushroom is actually kinda the dick of the mycelium. Maybe, after dead, we're stored in such wire. Who knows.
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    @retoor we all join the great mush AI
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    @BordedDev I only like champigons. Psychedelic mushrooms are terrible to eat and the effect is even worse.
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    > I only like champigons

    do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior, Chanterelles?
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    @tosensei @retoor what about oyster and shiitake
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    @BordedDev oyster, no waaaii. It's in a shelve for a reason, don't eat it. How desperate was the first one that invented that you can eat it. Probably causes diseases we don't know about. It's in a shelve!
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    @retoor I can cook up some great mushroom dishes ;P

    Why the hate on shelves? (I don't hunt wild mushrooms)
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    the tastiness order of mushrooms is

    1) chanterelles

    2) boletus edulis

    [...]) everything not mentioned

    int.max-1) literal mold

    int.max) champignons
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    > Why the hate on shelves?

    retoor probably has some PTSD from her last job as an elf.
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    @retoor you could also ask who had the idea of trying to drink the milk coming out of animal's tits, eggs coming out of the assholes of chicken (I know it‘s not actually assholes) and honey puked out from bees.
    There is a lot of weird shit that we eat.
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    He's such a fun guy!
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    @Lensflare in all cases there are animals giving us the example. A fox steals eggs for example.
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    @tosensei will ask my stepmom about the first mushroom.
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