  • 5
    not even in the 100th best, heck even vba is more useful than js
  • 15
    @lolicon yes, that is why js is the most used language.
  • 6
    @olback most used == good
  • 2
    @lolicon well....yeah. i mean, who wants a good but useless language.
  • 4
    @olback or should it be ===
  • 2
    @lolicon yes and no. It's the most used because of a reason.

    Also, what makes it 'bad'?
  • 0
    @olback your first reply only affirms the yes aspect. anyway, i think it's a bad language syntactically (typescript is great so problem solved), and most importantly to me: useless (i use noscript everywhere and a lot of websites are just not optimized for it so they break), and not secure, arbitrary, etc... but you know this is just my opinion
  • 1
    @olback here's a rant of me expressing my frustration with js and js frameworks in general:


    i feel like writing js code is a waste of time for me because i'm afraid (and i know) many people use noscript to block some or all scripts so my vision of a website i'm working on might not floorish... i hope this makes sense
  • 2
    @lolicon I like Javascript, the language. But I hate everything around it. Node, frameworks and libraries are almost always garbage. I'm a web developer and write almost everything from scratch. I only use Javascript for things I really have to use it for, like sidenav on mobile. And I agree with you on security, which there is very little of.
  • 4
    I really wish webpages were more like packaged apps that could be precompiled. Then you could use better languages, and get better efficiency.
  • 3
    You can do some amazing things with Js, but in my opinion it’s difficult to write code that is easy to trace. Granted, you can write spaghetti code in pretty much any language but still.
  • 0
    Loo where is this from?
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Tom Scott on YouTube.
  • 0
    This feels like the opening to a JP Sears video
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Tom Scott <- YouTube channel
    --> https://youtu.be/QPZ0pIK_wsc
  • 7
    Ohh so now javascript is becoming the "Popular to hate" language, moving on from PHP i see.

    Even though it gets the fucking job done without spending a half a gazillion lightyears writing code.
  • 0
    Uuuhh Tom Scott...

    Pure gold. 👌
  • 0
    I hate Javascript too and it's not because I think the language is bad per se it's more because it's mainly used to code spyware on web apps to track user activity and deliver malware, ads, and more recently fucking crypto mining. I block 90% of scripts for a reason. Although the way my company uses Javascript none of it is strongly typed and it's a complete cluster fuck to write and debug so I hate the way we use it too. Overall I much prefer to write code in C# where I can more accurately and quickly write code to do what I need rather than worrying about how many '=' signs I need to check equality.
  • 0
    I am having a problem with JS. I use PHP on most of my apps, but for this time, my coworker needs a Google Sheet script. So I began to write it on Google Script (JS).

    I am really scared with JS in a bad way. Maybe it's just because I am just learning it, but I really didn't liked it at all.

    I do not have choose, of course. From now on, every script they need will be moved from VBA to Google Script.
  • 1
    @scarface78987 heeeey sup, tag me on hentai
  • 0
  • 0
    @scarface78987 dude i made some key animation on that shit haha
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