
Which pastebin service do you like the most?

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    I never really need it, but I got gifted a lifetime Pro subscription a few years back because I reported two problems in their API to a supporter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    Or Gists on Github.
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    Fully agree with @PrivateGER .
    paste.ubuntu.com is also cool though. You can set the duration there.

    But I primarily go for hastebin.com because it's very slick.
    One thing they aren't particular good in, is the language detection. Bit you can just change the extension in the url.
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    Also, don't use pastebin.com if you don't want others be able to google/ddg your code snippets.
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    @Linux @Jilano and which one is yours?
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    Hastebin or Gist :)
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