A new adventure begins๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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    Oh dear god... Turn around while you still can! I'm currently working with Pepper, the 'bigger brother' of Nao. The naoqi framework is hell on earth and support or help in general is basically impossible to get by if you're not fluent in japanese...
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    Isnt this like HELLA EXPENSIVE?
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    @Mizz141 yes it is... Super jealous!
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    Ooh nice, thatโ€™s really cool!
    Iโ€™m trying to get my hands on one to start contributing to related OpenSource code, consider yourself one of the lucky ones!
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    @gathurian I got a nao for free from my university for a project ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…
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    @Mizz141 borrowed from university
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    @Lahsen2016 yeah plan to get buy a new laptop soon
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    And so ended up looking for 2nd hand Nao Robots, they go between 4-5k$ used to 7k$ new for the v5
    Thatโ€™s definitely an awesome piece of equipment but how long will the v5 retain its value?
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    @KuMa Just wait for v6 to come out and then buy a v5 for much cheaper rates
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    @gathurian I'm really sorry to hear that. I thought everything would be in French considering Nao was born there! I asked them to donate one for my studies, but they said nao...
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    So there you go, after I saw your post I went looking for a Nao Robot
    Found a 2nd hand one and itโ€™s awesome! Love programming that dude

    What have you coded so far? On my end been focusing on voice functions, working on connecting it to Google Voice Assistant now so that we can better interact with it.

    Only thing I dislike is the closed down Linux OS, want to be able to install and run various packages locally, guess theyโ€™re trying to keep high priority for movements processes
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    @KuMa Awesome congratulations on your new robot

    Personally, I have programmed it to take a specific instruction annd perform an action for that scenario. For this I used the inbuilt voice library and voice recognition module. They are quite accurate.

    Yes working on linux with naoqi can be a bit difficult because of no optimisation. I used windows just for the sake of performance ๐Ÿ˜.

    Hope you have a great time programming your Nao.

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