head hurts, teeth hurt, eyes tired.


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    yeah my head hurts too for a week now idk what's up. Could be stress or pollution or a concussion
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    or weed

    or a virus, we've been sick like two weeks ago and i feel low-level sick

    or the noise

    maybe my glasses also
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    @antigermgerm I might have a guess at virus.
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    Fuck, the teeth hurt part reminds me... I was sick couple weeks ago, for some reason my teeth just started hurting for no fucking reason, I spent 3 or 4 nights just trying to sleep but couldn't...

    Then, everything went away, no more pain and I could sleep again. Human bodies are weird...
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    @nemetepst go to the dentist
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    @antigermgerm Yeah I have appointment scheduled, but I don't think that's the problem, my theory is this:

    I was lucky enough to not get sick for a few years and I think my body got used to that. So when I got sick my immune system was not ready and well I spent 5 days laying in bed barely able to stand up.

    My guess is in situations like this body starts using all resources it can get to fight and shit starts hurting.

    But that's just my theory, I still need to see what my dentist will say
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    @nemetepst It seems to make some sense.
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