Have you ever typed up an interesting rant, only to accidentally click outside of the rant editor and have the whole damn thing disappear?

Ok DevRant, you get my "your number one" today


  • 2
    I have, it sucks

    For comments it luckily still saves it
  • 1
    never had it disappear

    I write random shit tho then realize it wasn't worth posting

    and I seem to not have a desire to make rants most of the time but on some days I wanna make a bunch in rapid succession... and get hit with the timer and also don't wanna spam the platform too much
  • 2
    it's still there when I re-open the rant editor usually, not sure why it isn't for others. Is this a Firefox thing, saving values for forms?
  • 1
    I don't post a lot, but the few times it happened to me I literally just gave up on the post
  • 1
    It doesn't happen for me. Whether it's rants or comments.
  • 1
    Reminds me of the sperms who win the sperm race but hear their parents speaking Indian
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    @jestdotty I agree with every word the dad says
  • 1
    Which browser? This is NOT a problem on a default Chrome desktop setup.

    Tested it

    1. clicked the + button to write a new post, wrote "hello"

    2. closed the modal by clicking outside the text input.

    3. clicked the + button again to open the modal once more. My text "hello" persists and I can resume writing.
  • 0
    @jestdotty nazi doctrine is usually predictable but this time I have no idea what the heck else herr Toss could've originally written.

    edit: actually, I bet it's about dei
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    @lorentz I got no idea what you're saying
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    @jestdotty the comic is edited, which means that the original message by stonetoss was some other nazi nonsense, and I couldn't think of another message that fit the comic well at first.
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    @lorentz that's too much lore. just laugh at the funny
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