
I think the jobs of people who say that they will be replaced by AI must be so mundane that they probably will and should be replaced by AI.

  • 2
    Yes, or physically unhealthy. Then they'll get better ;P
  • 3
    fair nuff

    though i don't think my mundane boring shit will be replaced
  • 6
    True that. There is research that said that 70% of office people said their job is useless or so. That's just insane. To the subject of basic income, maybe it's time already, because it seems now many people have a job just to stay busy. That's pointless ofcourse. Rather they do something fun like painting or something socially contributing.
  • 4
    anyone read 'Bullshit Jobs'? Seems like this wouldn't be the way we as society want to go.
  • 2
    It's not the point. Automation happened for the last three century. It's nothing new.

    The issue is that those who own the machines are the one making the money, gaining more and more power until it's unsustainable and the jobless start to be hungry.

    Then it's gulag time, the state expends until it explode or get coup'ed.

    Capitalism brings communism, communism bring anarchism. Anarchism bring capitalism.

    The cycle of life, one may say. No point in going against it
  • 1
  • 0
    calm down edgelord
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