There is so much stuff wrong with me mentally, I’m a terrible person.

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    Compared to what? I think most people have seriously fucked up hang ups.
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    Is it affecting others negatively? If not, is it really that bad? Many people have some fucked up thoughts. Some often some not so often. But I think as long as you aren't hurting anybody, they're just thoughts that aren't "real" in a sense. Doesn't make you a terrible person!
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    There there
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    most fucked up people I met never wanted to reflect on what they fucked up, and they would do even more fucked up shit to you if you ever tried to rectify it or mentioned the fucked up shit they did to you THE LAST TIME or whatever

    err but I'm not trying to tell you you're not fucked up. do philosophy I guess and figure it out
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    One step at a time, not sure what you're specifically going through. Are you wishing death on people or something? Otherwise, look for people (even just online) with similar problems and how they cope with it
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    As long you notice it, there's hope. Also, maybe it's just temporary. Youll not be that forever. I just abandoned certain things from past like "that's not me, that was past me". Else it's impossible to live on.
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    @Lensflare you fucking donkey!

    You reminded me of the hell kitchen meme.
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    @Demolishun the turd sandwich 😁
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    @retoor never actually watched. I have just seen memes and excerpts. I remember the idiot sandwich though.
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    @retoor @Demolishun gimme some links or so for this classy literature 🧐
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    I guess he says oh dear, oh dear instead of there there.
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    My mind is clinically fucked too, but try not hating yourself for it. You're probably not the reason it is how it is.
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    @Demolishun "There there" I got from Sheldon Cooper, who tried to make an appropriate human reaction to someone who appeared to be feeling bad.
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