I've heard that the most programmers don't have girlfriends.
Does that mean you're all virgins or do you people buy sex from prostitutes?

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    I’m practically married with kids, I’m doing something wrong from the rest of the crowd.
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    "you people.. ?" What do you mean by that.

    P.S. I have girlfriend.😁
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    @makarand i mean all of you peps on devrant
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    I think you've been misinformed. Of the 10's of programmers I know only one is single and he's fugly and weird.
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    Yeah married guy here even the most crazy yet person that I know here has a SO
    @CurseMeSlowly :*
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    Have a boyfriend thank you very much.
  • 4
    What kind of unrealistic comments am I reading here? A lot of devs are single, if not most.

    You see, we have this problem called not knowing how to talk to women. We are absolute experts in technology but the same can't be said for social skills. I am insanely good at analyzing something but I truly suck at analyzing a social situation.

    The second problem we have is that women have turned into emancipated, overly defensive beings. If you try to have a conversation with a girl and you mention something in the lines of romance or chivalry, they will look at you with disgust.

    I think I speak for a lot of guys when I say this and I thought it should be said because it's unfair to go and say "Hey, most devs have girlfriends" which is not true.

    If you are a dev and you have a girlfriend, well, then you are a geek but not a super ultra nerd like me (and yes, there's a difference).
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    @donnico should I feel flattered by your comment :P
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    @DeadInside of the 2 devs one is single? Or wasnt it binary πŸ˜‡
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    @CaptainRant everything is true except the last part. Having a gf or not doesnt influence your nerd skill.
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    @Codex404 No, it's about getting one in the first place. We are so technologically advanced that our brain doesn't have a place for all the social bullshit they expect you to bring forth in order to woo them.

    And when I had a girlfriend, I would barely have one minute to do something I wanted. She stole 99% of my time, which worsened my skills. And I also think I speak for most devs who've had girlfriends with this one.
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    @Jilano I speak for most devs and I am a super nerd.
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    Just find a dev girl πŸ˜πŸ‘©πŸ½‍πŸ’» we exist I swear
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    @binarydigit hiii, you wanna drink coffee sometime
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    I don't have a problem to get a girlfriend and i have one right now, but I want to be single again. I am kinda antisocial guy and i like to be a lot of time alone and my gf doesn't get it.
    My longest relationship is one year and since i m close to this once again, i m going to be single soon. 🀩🀩🀩
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    I think the stack overflow had a question about the relationship status of the devs.
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    @binarydigit lies all lies, dev girls are a myth.

    Good to see more lady devs out there though πŸ™‚
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    @C0D4 More like good-looking girl devs are a myth.. Though, I saw a very hot one and she was an engineer! That's a ++!
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    Answer: neither πŸ˜‚
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    @CurseMeSlowly yes coz I missed lovable in the sentence :(
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    @CaptainRant bah in my company we all have a so. All the dev.
    Married or gf / bf.
    And we are all ultra nerd.
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    @theNSA I could try decades to understand socializing but I can't. Though, new technological concepts I can pick up easily.
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    @donnico NotNormalException uncaught at line 1
  • 0
    WOW! What a question. Quite straightforward. I like it.
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