Y'all ever have a thought that makes you wonder if you might be a sociopath or at least have some tendencies in that regard?

  • 6
    sociopaths are environmentally created

    morality of most people is pretty low, over the decades. a bunch of psychologists basically call this an era of narcissism

    but sociopathy would be a natural adaptation to a narcissistic world also

    and who is going to model morality for you anyway? such people are now scammers instead! and there's no family units and no dads that show you true love, true instrumental strength. etc etc etc
  • 1
    Do you have a poes by any accident?
  • 1
    @retoor no and I think that might be the problem
  • 1
    Sociopathy is a spectrum.

    it starts somewhere between giving the homeless a sandwich, to giving them a sandwich with dog shit in it.

    I call this the sandwich test of sociopathy.

    It requires a homeless person for the test though.
  • 1
    @TheBeardedOne having a poes is awesome.
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