I asked one of my engineering classmate which processor they had in their laptop.

Ans : 3GB.

I dont know whether they dont know a shit about computers or they are too bad at english.

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    ~3GHz maybe?
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    I am pretty sure they said 3GB. I was confused at first so I askef again..and the same answer. Anyway.."which" shouldnt be answered by a quantity. :o @KeyWeeUsr
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    @praveenpuglia I know it wasn't answered in a good way, however if I told someone I have Intel whatever i5 or i7, then that's not enough. And surely I won't remember that almost random number they use in production, rather frequency. If the question isn't motherboard/components-related, I don't see the point of asking about specific cpu, therefore frequency seems like a good answer to me. :P
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    A Ghz would still relate. but GB? btw they had an old core 2 duo 2.8Ghz and 3GB RAM@KeyWeeUsr
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    @praveenpuglia maybe he was just confused with the Hz/B :-/
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    I am and it's all for the fun. The incident was long time back. English too bad was just the sarcasm. He is pretty good at it btw. He is still a total noob in computers. :) @tysa
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    @tysa and he is one of my best friends now. No need to bring in judgmental and stuf. :)
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    @praveenpuglia dude I misread your comment, which is why I deleted my comment.
    forgive me
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    @KeyWeeUsr I wrote a comment and it autocorrected noob to noon. then I deleted the comment .
    it's complicated, don't ask 😅
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