
My brother just started learning web development. Day 1 of playing on his own domain, and he breaks his WP install twice in an hour. He sends me the following text:

This is like a horribly frustrating game.

Best summary of software development I've ever heard, and it's only his first day.

  • 6
    he's a fast learner. if he likes puzzles he has found his life's calling. if he doesn't he'll learn quick enough to run before he gets too old to learn something else
  • 2
    just let him settle in.
  • 2
    ...Reminds me of a conversation with a friend / co-worker long ago that ended in:
    "Did you forget this job isn't actually fun?"

    And 10 years later, we're still at it! 😛
  • 1
    I feel this frustration all the time, even after some years in the field. 😭
  • 0
    "A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing — especially in WordPress"

    -Albert Einstein, probably...
  • 0
    Im beginning a new career in webdev myself. After fighting with wp for abt a week and unsucessfully trying to persuade my employer to switch to djangocms (since Im a hobby pythonisto, and it a very small company) I have to say this quote sums up my feelings exactly. (In my case I was givin the wp environment already set up with shitloads of redundant plugins and no documention to help sort through the whole spagettifiedanalklusterfuq.)
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