What does it take for one to design his/her own laptop completely from scratch?

*If you answer me it's not worth my time, then please don't waste your time answering.*

  • 4
    Getting the parts, putting them together, installing OS, done
  • 9
    It's not worth your time
  • 6
    You'd need to get the body/case, all the parts, and then assemble it.

    It'd be expensive as fuck. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 5
    @Stuxnet Besides it would also probably end up bloody huge
  • 7
    Compatible parts (this is where it will all go to hell)
    A 3D printer for a case
    A screen
    and some electronics know how

    When you give up on finding compatible parts, check this out

  • 3
    @dontPanic Inefficient as fuck.
  • 3
    @dontPanic @Stuxnet you're clearly doing something wrong, if your laptop isn't directly hooked up to a high power generator
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    @JoshBent I use a few car batteries jerryrigged together. 10/10 way to go.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet I have a car farm, that is powered by cars driving 24/7 inside of gigantic hamster wheels 😉
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    @JoshBent Psssht I built a microverse that farms energy for me.

    (Shout out to the only episode of Rick and Morty I've seen for that idea 😂😂😂)
  • 3
    @Stuxnet that microverse built a microverse to do their work for them
  • 2
    I got a motherfucking dysons sphere wrapped around the sun powering mine
  • 4
    Go to nearest PC store.
    Buy a laptop that you can dissemble.
  • 2
    ... from scratch?
    google a board schematics for any laptop.
    take a good long look at it.
    each rectangle is a chip you'd need to choose and buy, and solder into place.
    each line is a board connection you'd have to design, draw, and print.

    so, first, you design what it's supposed to be capable of.
    then you research and choose which chips will enable it to do that.
    then you think up how to connect them correctly (logic-wise).
    (then you maybe need to write firmware for at least some of them?)
    then you design the board, how to connect the chips spatially.

    then you print the board, solder all the chips to it.

    then you do all of the trivial stuff, like picking and connecting hdd, ram, keyboard, touchpad, screen controller board+screen, cooling system and fans, batteries, and the chassis.

    same principle as programming - what you see/realize is at most 10% of what's actually there/required to be done.
  • 2
    You have wasted your time writing a section so I will not answer an answer wasting my time because you wanted me not to waste your time. But look at us, both of us wasted our time here
  • 1
    (for a better idea of what i'm talking about, watch any of Louis Rossmann's laptop repair videos on youtube)
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE "dQw" yeah, no... 🤣
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE wtf, my answer never sent?!? I just accidentally came across this thread through a notif again, I said smth along the lines like "I have seen that url enough times to remember it well"
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