Last time, my friend said CSS stands for
"Custom Sexy Styles" (dig into my older rants)

This time, he said
"Centering Somewhat Sucks"

Now he knows the deal.

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    Are the ones saying every 2 words "css is not a programming language" the same guys complaining about centering stuff with it?
  • 6
    centering doesn't *somewhat* suck, but i'm having trouble finding a better word that still starts with s
  • 5
    since I'm a noob web dev, CSS for me is: Can't Stay Sane

    and JS: Just Sucks!
  • 4
    Well, he just doesn't know grid and flexbox
  • 3
    @SanitizedOutput good one
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    @SanitizedOutput OMG autocorrect did it and there actually is an user... Wow

    Well, have an upvote and you are subbed by me ^^
  • 1
    Seriously, centering is a breeze with flexbox. Learn it!
  • 2
    Centering is a piece of piss since flexbox became standard.
  • 1
    @Alice I also thought for one day that I'm God after my first self written html code. xD It was a nice entry in the world of coding.
  • 1
    I still think, css is awesome!
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