  • 8
    Maybe every day story if you're running low end hardware, but mid to upper legit never has that issue.. :/
  • 4
    Awwwww. Das qt
  • 2
  • 1
    This might be why chrome uses so much ram tho
  • 0
    I imagine it would be running slow if you have chrome, word, photoshop, spotify, and a bunch more apps open
  • 2
    Now everyone is going die because of Chrome's memory greediness. Kill Chrome first, and the others be happy. 😂
  • 2
    it's task manager on my case that stops working always
  • 0
    If you just have spotify open everything else slows down. Thats my experience anyway.
  • 3
    Task manager is more polite than "kill" command xD.
  • 1
    @zacg then it won't be running anymore 😂😂
  • 1
    How come task manager gets to be a monitor but all the other programs are blob people 🤔
  • 3
    I once made a bat that taskkills all the bloatware on login
  • 0
    Wrong, they'd just be like: "chill, it's just tadk manager"
  • 0
    There’s your problem. Everyone’s already running.
  • 1
    @CSaratakij I prefer kill :’)
  • 1
    Ctrl+Shift+Esc, thank you for understanding that Ctrl+Alt+Del is the Windows Vista way lool
  • 0
    Chrome should've been the fat kid, since it consumes so much RAM
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