
Networking Professor: Alright, how many of you disagree with the way Google collects and uses data?

*basically everyone in the lecture hall raises their hands*

Professor: Okay, now if you were offered a job at Google, how many of you would still take it?

*everyone raises their hands.*

  • 27
    and now you write 10 pages about doublethink and this experiment.
  • 18
    Money makes the weak willed compromise his morals.
  • 10
    I would never take a job at Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft or other companies that are comparably evil.
  • 18
    I would hate to work at Google!

    At my current job, I am revered as an amazing developer. At Google, I would be just another average developer. They have actual super genius people there, imagine how hard it is to stand out and shine in that environment. Don't forget the whole campus life thing... must be like living in a cult, but its about a company instead of a religion.
  • 3
    Instinct moreso than need.
    But yes.
  • 11
    @cjbatz contrary to you, that would be the only reason for me to work there. Learning and growing and getting to know how these huge IT-Corps take care of their projects. Especially in the whole ML universe, simply because they actually have these huge databases to try out a lot of stuff. That would be an amazing experience!
    Moral wise I agree with the others here though.
  • 2
    I'd probably say yes to work for Google as well. So far, there's only one company I'd absolutely deny working for (a Danish company called KMD)
  • 0
    @aaxa atos is my nogo
  • 4
    @stop I don't know about atos, but KMD is ripping the Danish government millions of dollars every year, and delaying projects on purpose to keep the costs high
  • 1
    @aaxa atos did the same. their last "success":
    an secure mail system for lawers with inbuild reencryption
  • 5
    Hahaha if I'd have to choose between Google and any other company (excluding other prism-integrated companies),I'd go for any other company.
  • 14
    I would never work for Google.

    On the plus side, I would be surrounded by incredible developers, and I would learn so much from them. I'd likely be an average developer (or worse) there, however, and that would probably wear on me. especially if I didn't fit in.

    and I wouldn't. google behaves like a cult: if you don't participate in the groupthink -- if you don't drink, bathe in, and push the kool-aid on others -- you're ostracized, and at extremes: forced out or fired. Also, google's political agenda (which they push with great fervor) is absolutely against both mine and my morals. Google acts like Big Brother: They see people as members of groups, not individuals. They participate in and push "social justice." They seek to control and coerce and convert. By contrast, I want everyone left alone so long as they don't interfere with others. I could never (and would never) fit in with their mentality whatsoever. I would continually be at odds with my coworkers and the company as a whole. Not only would I be ostracized, I'd likely be fired within a year if I didn't quit first.

    So, the morals of data collection aside, there is no way I could work for them.

    Finally: there's no life after google. Once you've been rejected from the google kids club, nobody wants you anymore. anywhere. Companies want to look enticing for google to buy, and if they hire someone google doesn't like, it shows that the company's morals are incompatible with google, so that simply isn't going to happen. There's also the sense that google will hold that unwanted person's employment against the company, providing them with less care, worse service, lower priority, reduced/revoked ad revenue, and increased bugs.

    So, no.
    Working for google would not only violate most of my morals, it would also end my career. Doubleplus ungood, comrade!
  • 6
    @Root 💜
  • 1
    @linuxxx even Microsoft ?
  • 2
    @stop of course!
  • 3
    I would sell my skin for good money.
  • 1
    The reason that I will accept to work at these big companies is that it will be super easy to find a job at other companies with small name. Hell I could be a lecturer at best universities in my country which they pay nearly $50/hour (third world country).
  • 4
    Dunno, isn't big corp = evil also some simplistic propaganda? Sure they'll strive to optimize their environment to their liking, aka nepotism, bribery like it's there since human society.
    So somehow I see big corp like big state institutions, where the individual or individual may well hide and do some strange experiments in the basement.

    Well, it isn't that I for example had my anti-MS dose through ca. 14 yrs of Linux usage, but the MS of today has a Bill Gates that looks like Gandhi to a Larry Ellison, and employs/d brains as diverse as Jaron Lanier, Simon Peyton Jones, Anders Heijlsberg and Leslie Lamport. They don't particularly strike me as corrupted or braindead.
  • 1
    I would totally work for Google, but then again, I also find their usage of my data acceptable.
  • 1
    @ArcaneEye I know man. When that case was running, I was kind of happy. Happy that they finally showed the top of their stupidity to the public.
    From my circle of developer friends, there's only 1 (out of like 10) that would ever take a job at KMD
  • 0
    Hey, in this crazy post-modern subjective reality world is it any wonder people are so internally inconsistent with their morals?

    I’m certainly not immune, I still use google search and I know for sure they’re vacuuming up my porn searches, yet the effort of migrating to a different provider is a pain, especially when google (in my experience) returns the best, most relevant results.

    I did stop using gmail though, so I’m glad for that.

    It’s just a pain that all their services are linked, because I’d like to GDPR the hell out of a bunch of their data.
  • 0
    I would love to work for Google. Sorry, but that's at least honest.
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