
So I am trying to implement a deep learning paper.
And I started reading, It's fucking unbelievable

First page: maybe I will get it in the second page!!
Second page: what did I miss from the first page?
Third page: Woohw, let me start over.

Now: I am reading about linear algebra and basic probability theories.

I guess this is is why not anyone can be on deep learning research areas and not used by many developers.

  • 4
    Its not exactly complicated if you start with the basics
  • 0
    AI it's just action and reaction
    Cause and effect
    That's it
  • 1
    @sharktits I know, that's why I am back at linear algebra and probability
  • 0
    i tried to read the fast style transfer paper once what i learned is that scientific papers contain more information in less words so you have to read a few times word by word and write bullet points regarding the implementation(the architecture of the network, etc) and after that look for an implementation about the same paper and see where did you miss
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