JQuery is not badly designed... It's not designed at all.

JQuery is just awful and it's being used by people who know nothing about programming... Hell, some of the JQuery developers were not even programmers or had programmed before.

JQuery is a part of the whole "Wordpress community/world" and that world is full of people who doesn't understand what they are doing, Wordpress isn't designed either (that's why Wordpress stores serialized data in a structured database).

Every single Wordpress theme developer includes JQuery and it's disgusting. Most of the time, they don't even use it.

JQuery is not Javascript on steroids, it's javascript with cancer. Get rid of it. It's bloated and only lazy people use it. (JQuery will give you about 200ms extra response time for your site)

  • 0
    Use google-closure instead! Your large applications will thank you.
  • 1
    I lol'd at JS with cancer! 😹

    For all the 'wonderfulness' of jQuery, I find myself replacing it with native JS for perf reasons.

    If it's already there and perf isn't a priority then I have no trouble using it.
  • 5
    Jquery evolved when javascript was in a state of utter chaos, and paved the way for other libraries. If it wasn't for jquery, I don't think the web wouldn't be where it is today. It can still be a lifesaver if you need to support IE9 or older.
  • 3
    I loled at 200ms response time XD
    jquery is not perfect but calling it cancer when basically every website is using it... yeah.
    "omg, php is bad because people write shitty code" - same logic
  • 1
    why don't you get the minified jquery and attach it with your html instead of externally loading it? Or load it asynchronously?
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