Once a guru of mine told me,
"A developer is one who can convert his/her ideas to code and doesn't need to depend on external libraries to help him/her"

His words actually have made me a different person. I mean since that day, I actually started developing things on my own. Until then I was hardly good at coding. Wasn't even clear with the basics. But those words of his had a deep impact on me.

Today I suddenly started thinking about that and honestly, I'm so glad to have met him. I'm so glad that he actually said the above thing to me.
Today, I'm at a position where I can legit build anything I want.
From websites to bots, I make my ideas come to life. All thanks to my guru.

Just thought this might be a good thing to share to motivate others. If it motivated me, I'm sure it might motivate atleast one other person in this community.

  • 10
    That advice sounds like someone saying "a good scientist is one who doesn't use any previous discoveries with his ideas"
    That's clearly not true because a good scientist is probably better at linking different research for his idea.
    I'm guessing the reason this helped you is trying to reinvent the wheel taught you a lot about why the wheel was there to begin with and the challenges with developing it which was probably a great learning experience. However I reckon a dev who tried to reinvent the wheel for every project would actually be a pretty bad one
  • 5
    @AlpineLinnix how about "A good programmer analyzes the challenges e.g. bloat, restrictions, maintainability, time to learn the ins and outs and benefits of using a library considering the requirements of the project and carefully chooses which ones to use for their project, and which parts he or she should rather develop on their own."
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