
two years on devRant and I still can't code 😢

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    console.log('hello world') //if you can copy/paste that, then you are well on your way to learning how to code, or so books would have you believe.
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    ERROR: semicolon expected, got end of the file

    ERROR: 'hello world' is not a valid character

    Critical error build aborted
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    @Gregozor2121 depends on the language, in JS semicolons are optional with the exception of befor a self invoking function, also ' is valid to as a string character, doesn't need to be ".
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    Did you try the free courses on Udacity? They might seem boring but you learn all the nedded essentials! Look at the FSND and take the prerequisite courses. Took me a few months to get through the prerequisites, I was then lucky enough to actually have someone pay that course.. I now program every day and I finished less than a year ago.
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    Try following @ Floydian... He's a tester but slowly coming into web dev things

    (Yes there is a space between @ and Floydian cause he doesn't want to be tagged)
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    @hexc js is not coding, it's kididng yourself
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    @mundo03 Wait what? What do you define as coding?
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    @Kandelborg non js and non php, I am just fucking around :p
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    @mundo03 I hope so! :) You can do advanced Ml and high-performance servers with JS and since V8 it's proper fast also.

    I'd say that programming is simply writing an executable command that will get computed by a computer.
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    @Kandelborg but js is a scripting thing hacked toguetet to br a propper programming language, it will always.

    I learned it to manipulate html elements, I learned ES6 to work morw with node and I still don't like it.

    You want speed ? Use golang, you want it easy? Use ruby or python

    You want front end? JS is fine, Dart is better.

    I say let's kill JS, it already went to far.

    But I do agree JS is coding tho :p
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    @mundo03 so what do you do if you want to program for the web? e.g. WebAssembly is meant to compliment JS.

    JS is right now the only way to program for browsers.

    Try a proper ESLint setup, or even the strongly typed TS with TSLint.

    Use Prettier.

    Now all your JS is typed, shows errors and get formatted according to rules you set. It does not get any easier.

    I agree that Dart might be better.. But have you noticed that no browsers run it? Everything get compiled to JS, except for the Dartium browser (which gets discontinued) that is.

    I'd like to see someone create an Internet browser running C, Java or another 'real' programming lang. Then I won't get butthurt that people say JS isn't real programming.. Because while things are as they are - we have to acknowledge these things or change them. I don't think it makes sense to attack or fuck around with such tech and call them 'not a real thing'.
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    For the web front end you mean. I agree browsers have to see JS, and they don't even do that properly, tjat is why JS has all the shitstorm and a bunch of ways to solve this issue too, hence the whole ecosystem being stupidly big.

    Anyway, the browser has to see JS but you don't have to code JS, you can use Dart.
    I have even seen tools that translate some backend languages to JS (not perfect).

    So yeah, fuck JS.
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    @mundo03 I must admit I hadn't looked much into Dart before today. I will research this a bunch more.

    I do totally agree though, fuck JS - just remember protection!
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    Technically, if you can write a hello world in any programming language, by yourself completely, you can code.
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    @dtaposh sure i manage that but how is that usefull? 😄
    yeah i've tried many courses, books. But it won't stuck in my mind.
    What I'd love was a private teacher. Because the ability to code web applications and code based prototypes would be hugely beneficial as a designer. Sure there are CAS Frontend Development courses in switzerland but they expect you to learn the language on your own. And that's where i struggle... remembering the syntax. 😕
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    @mundo03 I mean I agree that JS is garbage but it's a lower wall to climb to get into programming compared to a strongly typed language, so for anyone just learning/web dev I think it's fine. That said I think anyone using it to learn should move to a manager languages reasonably quickly after learning JS so no bad habits set in.
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    @hexc fucking auto correct, ment to say managed language but it's already past 5 mins so I can't edit the previous post :/ I guess my phone preferably manager languages... :|
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    Kernel Critical Internal Error.
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