What... the... actual... fuck

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    "LiNuX iS sUpErIoR."


    (I'm joking. Don't get triggered Linux fanboys.)
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    fuck this, I am just gonna run VirtualBox and pass the SSD that I am trying to install on Ubuntu as a client device
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    you typed quemu but it's qemu
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    @bigworld12 shit, you are right
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    @FrodoSwaggins that's why I like gui more than cli xd
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    It's not quemu lol I actually ended up adding quemu names to my bashrc before
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    @ilikeglue I know it's qemu :D
    I just make a lot of typos :P
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    Use bash's tab autocompletion to verify your commands. Helps to both save time typing long command names and avoid annoying typos
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    @netikras for some reason it did not want to auto-complete when I typed "q" and then I obviously made a typo so... yea, that would not work in this case :D
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    @D3add3d not to be annoying but it would - the fact that autocomplete does not finish the command is already a red flag :) just sayin'
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    @Haxk20 thank you! At first I need to get +500 -- can't wait to get a jacket for my avatar :)
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