
My cat's always with me while coding.
It's nice, he's cute.

Then he decides to wake up, and to walk on my keyboard to go away.

Code looks like hcozpxucksl,,lOs', thanks man.

Not a big deal but I wanted to share my desperation with you, thanks for the listen

  • 9
    I have 3 cats. I always switch my desktop to an empty workspace when I go to the bathroom :D
  • 6
    Why no cat pics
    (This is the second time I am writing this today) 😂
  • 9
    @ceee here you go.
  • 7
    When me cat sits on my desk while im coding, my stress goes away and confidence gets a boost. 15/10 everyone should have coder buddies.
  • 2
    Looks like a true hunter @shellbug
  • 6
    I never let my 🐈 touch my laptop.
  • 3
    @shellbug pretty 😋
  • 10
    I'd like to show the only cat I've ever known...it lives at my university
  • 2
    @yatanvesh I totally agree with you, having a buddy with you is awesome
  • 5
    @ceee here for you!
  • 3
    @r3dwo0d it's like it's saying "look I fixed the bug...am I a good cat" ...
    🤣 That's more like what a dog would do.
  • 1
    On the upside, you could use it to name yet another JavaScript framework.. FgsFadgvbbjjgxz.js has a nice ring to it.
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