
When you find 7 years old website made while you were 14 yo.

  • 5
    please publish it!
  • 14
    I remember trying to implement a submenu (you know, the one that magically appears when you hover or click an item in a menu) by making a copy of the whole page but with the submenu added so when you clicked something in said menu it would redirect you to the duplicate page but with submenu there...


    Fortunately I scrapped the plan as I thought it'd be stupid because if I ever had to update any page, it'd menuItemsCount times more files.
  • 4
    @Cube189 I was 13 back then and it was my first month of learning webdev by analyzing other websites' source code.
  • 2
    @Cube189 that's actually a rather clever idea at that age.
  • 4
    3 weeks ago I turned 15, 3 months ago I released my first app. (:
  • 0
    ah! those days
  • 0
    @forkbomber If you say so :)
  • 2
    I made my first website when Flash was the go-to when it came to menus. In retrospect it was an awful period of the Internet.
  • 4
    @620hun I know flash was the goto guy for good stuff and I did not know flash.

    so in started to say it is stupid to use flash and kept on finding CSS only or CSS+js for all solutions.

    even in the inter school competition where I was head of web-dev, our was the first school to remove flash and provide jquery and modernizr and it was cool. slowly the world got rid of flash too.

    this was 11 years ago I am 21 :D
  • 3
    11 may be a lil high :p
  • 0
    When you were 14 huh, when I was that old I really had a struggle with forms.
  • 0
    `... name="sloty" size="1">`

    Asking ur gf, on a scale of 1-30, how much of "slot" she was? XD

    ...I know, thats means something different in your language(polish if my GoogleDetective instincts aren't wrong). But common guys, homophones, super funny rite?
  • 0
    Your variable names must be fun for the non-Polish :)
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    here it is: danielszerszen.eu/9mm-host/index.php
  • 0
    Polish code from Denmark xD
  • 0
    @rrakso what's a problem bro? just studying here
  • 1
    @roszpun hahahah easy, I only want to say there is some polish :P
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