
I'm too dumb for setting up Pi Hole 😭

  • 3
    But how? The license is great
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    @Stallman yeah that i ask my self too dear Rick. But i've did everything they said in the documentation on setting up the dns on the router. And the dashboard shows that all my clients are connected to pi hole. But on the Pi i don't get internet on my pi and no adds are blocked on the clients. (they have internet.)

    I guess a good sleep and I'll find the misstake i've done.
  • 1
    Since I'll set up it too in a fee days, I follow this rant to see the solutions. Surely I'll have this issue (and other 37385473728 too...) 😂
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    Only pinning out of curiosity
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    Is the DNS port on the Pi open? Try using nmap on it.
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    @heyheni did you solved the problem?

    I configured it, it seems to be working correctly (I see a lot of requests being blocked), but they all come from two clients: localhost (where the pihole is running) and my router.

    I configured my router DNS on my pihole, and I think that is the reason. Every device looks at the router for the DNS, and the router looks on the pihole. It works, but I would prefer to see the different clients. I have to set the DNS ip on every device I have? O.o
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