
Can't fall asleep because of unfinished code...

Wake up at 03:00 AM because of nightmares about bad code...

Too tired to finish code or rewrite bad code :'(

  • 1
    hey, hope it gets bettee for you.
    rest well
  • 1
    I had this not long ago, worst feeling ever
  • 2
    I'd make it do something stupid so that it gets imprinted in my brain as "it works". Fooled myself a few times with this trick. Maybe it works for you too.
  • 1
    We've all been there. Haven't we?
  • 2
    A couple of times I have had a dream about a solution and be lucky enough to remember it after waking up 😁
  • 1
    @Cuoma sounds good! :D
  • 1
    @julianmd what about when the code works but you dream about edge cases you didn't validate that might have bad repercusions? I'll try your trick next time it happens for sure.
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