Me: *Puts on headphones*

5 minutes later

College: Hey man you busy?
Me: *Takes off headphones*
Me: I am, but what's the issue?

Help him, Put headphones back on.

5 minutes later

Intern: I need help
Me: *Takes off headphones*
Me: Fine, I've got time

Help her, Put headphones back on.
Beginning to feel a little pissed.

5 minutes later

PM: Can i get your help quickly?
Me: Can i finish this quickly?
PM: It won't take long
Me: Fine.
Me: *Takes off headphones*

Help her out, put headphones back on.

An hour later

Team Leader: Are you done yet?
Me: *Takes off headphones*
Me: Almost
Team Leader: How can you not be done yet?
Me: Ask everyone around you?

He bitches for about 30 minutes.

I decide not to put my headphones on and just float in the river of how pissed i am.

4 Fucken hours goes by, nobody wants jack shit.
Me: *Puts headphones on*

5 minutes later

Team Leader: Hey man can you help me out?
Me: *Takes off headphones*
Me: Sure Fine.


  • 20
    It's a loop
  • 43
    They're probably beats headphones. They'll do that.
  • 12
    Ignore people when they try to talk to you lol
  • 3
    Try earphones, maybe? lol.
  • 6
    It's a nice if-loop with 5 mins delay ^^
  • 6
    Maybe they think you are not busy when you have headphones on? It should be the opposite. I don't mind helping people. But if I have headphones on, I am in the zone (fuck off).
  • 21
    A guy I work with keeps his office door closed, with a sign on it that says, "USE SLACK."

    I want to do that if I ever get an office.
  • 0
    Just be happy that people accept your knowledge and ask you for help!
  • 13
    I used to have an office that I shared with 2 people, things were marvelous. Now we're in a new office with an open floor plan this shit happens on the daily.

    Plus, without the headphones in I can hear all 50 people talking at once and it's near impossible to solve any real problems.

    Occasionally I hide and work in the server closet in the dark so people will think I'm not there.
  • 3
    That's kinda creepy
  • 3
    @bahua what a genius, doing it tomorow (but with rocket, we use rocketchat)
  • 3
    That's why I would love to have my desk, and for all other devs in sperate rooms... That way, there's a lot less distraction...
  • 3
    @Skayo if it takes being "creepy" to get work done I'll take it.
  • 9
    I suddenly started saying „ give me 8 min, I’ll come back to you.“

    Usually it’s not a real problem and they mostly solve it themselves.

    BTW: I don’t really come back to them after 8‘. If they ask me again after an hour, it’s serious, and I help them.
  • 2
    @d0tch xD every god damn time!
  • 0
    @Stuxnet sounds good, doesn't work.. // 2lazy2find trump meme
  • 12
    You have to raise them propperly :P

    If someone comes to you:
    1) did you search for it on google?
    -> do it
    2) have you tried to understand / apply these results for 5min?
    -> do it
    3) did you think about what you don't understand/have to ask me (potentially talked to a rubber duck)?
    -> do it
    4) did you ask me within the last 10-15 min?
    -> try to solve it for your own for 10 minutes
    5) ask me.

    It's a simple algorithm.
    If they say, they searched for it on google and tried the solution, have them show you what they searched for and what they found and then tried. Sometimes people search for the wrong terms or look in the wrong places. This will improve their own searching and problem solving skills while get them off your back.

    A very important side note: interns/apprentises are still learning. If you're responsible for them, make sure they still feel comfortable to ask you! You could for example have a special standup for 30min with them just before lunch and have them show you what they are working on, ask for help/advice

    This is how I would handle the situation.
  • 0
    You should learn to say no. No i’m busy, i want/need to get this finished so screw you ;). Not sure. Your frustrations will get your ass fire one day. I speak from experience!
  • 0
    And I am seating with a bunch of non technical people's


    Always feel like a hacker man
  • 1
    Work from home
  • 3
    if(emploee.GetStatus() == Status.busy || Status.headphoneson)
    emploee.AnnoyHim(new Anoyance());
  • 0
    @akashvartak Story of my life 😅
  • 1
    @kalex this happens every damn time! At home, office, even when you are sitting idle!
  • 0
    @kalex @kkdev, what about you?
  • 0
    @akashvartak I said na, Story of my life 😁
  • 1
    Lesson learned: work without headphones 🤷🏼‍♂️😛
  • 2
    I ignore everyone, if I wear headphones. If it is really urgent, they wave their hands like a fucking monkey which wants a banana. Usually I let them waving a few seconds until I "see" them :)
  • 0
    It seems to be a bug in our lifes hahahaha
  • 2
    The most hideous part is if you need to fill a timesheets and explain everything you do
  • 1
    It's like those lights at checkout lanes that blink when the lane is open. Putting on headphones is that signal that says you're not with anyone else at the moment.
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