
If you could choose between:
• Waiting for an original idea to do something innovative (and maybe never get it).
• Spending an enormous amount of time to recreate one of the first projects you've worked on (and loved) as a beginner, using new technologies and the knowledge gained over the years, knowing that it could be a good product but will probably not get the interest of public and will not sell well on the app stores.
• Working on a project that could work (or not) and become popular, but that doesn't really interest you.

What would you do?
Personal satisfaction or profit?

Of course I don't want to focus on profit, but I'm still a student and my free time is very short, and sometimes I work very hard (I tend to put social life, exams, health, etc. on the second place) on projects that nobody uses. My family and friends think I'm crazy, and sometimes me too.
It's something bad, isn't it?

  • 2
    If you're a student then focus on learning new tech and improving your skills. So work on whatever is interesting regardless whether it'll be profitable or not as long as you get to learn new things.
  • 1
    I heard once that inspiration should find you at work, but I can't find this quote now, but the point is that first option isn't a really one.

    Secondly it will bring you money only if you finish it, so if you can't forxe yourself to finish something what you don't like and make it as good as beloved one the third one isn't a option, too.

    Also it depends how good could you estimate future profit, but for solo dev you have to learn a lot of things which have impact on quality of your product so try to complete and don't do work for draw
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