
Following which criteria you may choose to code a software by a specific language ?

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    Impossible question without more information. The first question would always be "What is the aim of the software?" After that there may be other questions, but they are all context-specific.
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    @Zaphod65 i had an interview for a full stack job position, in the questionnaire i found this question and trust me i have no clue how to answer.
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    What’s the software going to do?

    That generally lays out what stacks / platforms are best suited by its self.
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    @C0D4 as per his claim that whatever the software is going to do all of them are going to grab data and post them to the user, as well most of programming languages support OOP isn't ?
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    @Mba3gar most languages either have OOP or you can usually mangle something together that represents OOP - the latter not always a good option though.

    I guess without scoping out the projects requirements (is it an APi, is it a website, is it a mobile app, does it run on multi devices, is it desktop application, etc...) the stack at that point is irrelevant.
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    I could just automate this tbh
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    @sharktits what dk you mean hein ? 😒
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