I gotta say I never understood owning a Roomba until my wife got me an off-brand Deebot one for my birthday. I named it “The Kraken”, as in “release the...” because it sees nothing and devours all. My kids can now rest easy because they won’t hear me complain about how the floor is always dirty and how nobody wants to vacuum but me. Now I just fire up the app, hit “Auto”, and The Kraken cleans my house. It even mops! I feel bad for the doggo, though.

  • 1
    does the kraken have an mqtt interface? 🤪
  • 2
    Thanks, I remembered this rant https://devrant.io/rants/338371
  • 2
    >the doggo
    Be careful the robot doesn't get within a mile of that mess. You don't want it all over your house.
  • 1
    @heyheni possibly! It would make sense if it did. The app is pretty good. If The Kraken gets stuck, no matter whether I’m at home or across the world, I can just use a joystick control to back him up and turn him around.
  • 0
    @d4ng3r0u5 yeah, I saw a blog post about that once. Luckily my dog is very well housetrained.
  • 1
    Cue coming come to a shitsmear on the kitchen floor
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