
I was wondering how many of you work out. I have met many of developers but so far very few of them actually work out. And yes I know how hard is to connect full time job and health life :D so how it is in your case?

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    well, im fat :D
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    Climbing baby!
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    @jakallergis most important thing - being honest :D
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    Working out actually only takes like 30min every day... so I do it every two days. No hassle, keeps me slim ;D
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    I do rollerblade, but still I'm a bit overweight, blocks in my team swim, train at gym and one is boxing 😁
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    If you don't workout because "you have no time" you don't actually want to workout.
    Going 4 times a week at 6am before work.
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    I recently started running and stretching 3 times a week during evenings. Started to lose weight, feeling better. I'll probably add some other exercises later. It's not hard to be healthy, it's just excuses and laziness. Speaking from experience, because I used every single excuse there is not to move my ass from the computer.
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    I'm training for my first 5k race.
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    @juneeighteen how fat are you?
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    It's hard with a 35 hours / week classes + 20h job + a girlfriend + personal programming project. I'm slightly overweight but I try to do 1 or 2 hours of bicycle every week.
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    From constant sitting I started having back problems, that and being slightly overweight motivated me to get at least 1h of exercise every other day
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    I play football (soccer) once a week. I'm a skinny guy but not a health one haha. I play mostly for fun.
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    It's by phases. I spend 6 months hitting the gym three times a week, then two months doing notjing, then start again from zero.
    Many dev folks around me who workout it seems. (company provides free gym membership, and the new generation of brogrammers seems waaaay more health conscious)
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    @Sauruz 8k every day? you should try Hal higdons Intermediate full marathon training program. youre gonna love it. (I might be fat but Ive had my fair share of runs) :)
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