
Face it.

Most of the time, in PHP, you're just using Contracts to be cool.

Unless you're coding something like a framework, I don't see the point.

Or I guess, if you're hiring someone to take on your project... but even then, that person might feel restricted for no reason?

  • 4
    No matter if your coding in PHP or in C++ for a client. They can still walk away with your product.
  • 0
    I meant... interfaces
  • 6
    Most of the time coding in php is spent cutting my wrists open
  • 0



    its too late to edit my post

    they can also be called a contract
  • 0
    @sharktits weakling
  • 0

    I found myself using it mainly to help me think about what my design was on a high level

    but that's about it

    it wasn't really necessary

    but I suppose its legitimate

    I learned a lot by looking at Taylor's code for hours
  • 0
    I'm using it, and I find it quite important to be organized and to prepare things first.
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