Fucking Edge. I fixed a "bug" and now the bug-pointer tells me a line with only a comment causes a problem. Yea. Genius browser.

It's an "UNKNOWN" error btw, great debugging!

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    @theKarlisK I removed the comment and then it said line 3 (empty line). I removed the empty one and it said line 2. So maybe the var definition is wrong?
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    Cached js file?
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    @netikras nope ^^

    @theKarlisK No other browser has this. I found out what it is (probably):

    Edge can't simulate local localstorage xD

    I'm just setting up a testserver. Thanks for your advice though!
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    Shouldn't localStorage be using the getItem() method and not hasOwnProperty()?
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    Last my browser informed me of errors on incorrect line numbers, i figured that when you include other script files in ur script, the browser(firefox) displays ur original script file in debugger but shows the line number from the included file + original file. That the case maybe?
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    @DrPitLazarus I've had that in the first place. Stackoverflow said the second one is better for Edge XD
    I might revert it..
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    @yatanvesh No, Edge is just stupid. Thanks though
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    @Jase i know it already but thanks Jase, master of trolling😋
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