Why do people eat at their work desk? This fuckety fuck is putting her sticky spoon in her mouth with some pungent shit in it. And its fucking my nose up.

They also make their workplace dirty with bits all around. You have a cafeteria for fucks sake. Get your lazy ass up there and eat.

  • 3
    I only eat around my old laptop (almost 10 years old; 95% of usage is for streaming) but even then I keep it far enough away from my food and I wipe my hands off before touching it.

    It makes me shudder when I see people eat near their expensive equipment
  • 6
    I’m busy, it’s busy down stairs, I’ll eat as I work and you can stick my fork up your ass or do my work for me!

    Ok ranty bit over
    I do have a big desk so there’s plenty of room to eat and work without worrying about getting food on my gear.
  • 2
    @C0D4 hope u dont eat pungy shit that fucks up the whole environment, or keep a room freshner on u.
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    @Stuxnet it's the smell that fucks me up. Otherwise personal hygiene and cleanliness is upto them.
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    @ashishrn96 Meh as long as it's not fishy or spicy smelling the only problem I have is it'd probably make me hungry.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet this too. Lol
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    @ashishrn96 generally salad or sandwiches so nothing that’s going to trigger anyone
  • 4
    i am reading this rant while eating snack and enjoying tea on desk.
  • 1
    I do it, and I can eat properly
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    I'm usually basically esting some snacks at my desk, often lunch as well, if you got a problem with the smell of something tell me and I'll make sure to only eat it in the cafeteria in the future. Only happened once to me though, also two coworkers banned me from entering their office with an energy drink.
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    @Linux @C0D4 @bigus-dickus @Stuxnet

    I eat brie honey monstrosities above my laptop in the hope my MacBook keyboard gets fucked up enough so my boss buys me a real laptop.

    But I've gotten so used to it that I also munch down wraps filled with curry above my mechanical keyboard at home, getting Sriracha all over the keys. I just shake out the crumbs once in a while or put it all in the dishwasher, if it breaks I'll take the next one from the stack of keyboards.
  • 1
    Nothing wrong with eating at your desk just consider the people around you.
  • 2

    No. I'm not a very considerate person. Risk of mayonnaise droplets flying in a 5m radius. And if you ask me questions while I eat, I will wipe my fingers over your screen to show you where you made a typo.
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    @bittersweet Then you're just an asshole init.
  • 0

    Guilty as charged.
  • 1
    My work only has about 8 lunch room seats for 100 people... so desk it is.
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    well, usually it is very frustrating to leave your place in the middle of something just for eating. i don't mind having some stuff around and not bothering myself about food and wasting time. ofc i do have rules on food, it must be sticky free so no chips, pizza etc. my expensive shit is always clean and do not forget to clean it regularly.
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    @bittersweet Just put your mouth close to the keyboard and sigh deeply. It will probably get enough moisture in it from that to brick it real good... (J/K, but for real, Macs are SUPER sensitive to liquids...)
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