What would you say is the best way to start with Android development if I know Java? Kotlin?

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    Start a project to understand the following things:
    1. Put elements on a page
    2. How to handle actions from user
    3. How to transition to another page
    4. How to move an element, modify its properties, etc
    5. How to send a request to a web service and handle it asynchronously, learn UI thread and threading
    6. Use an async task to send a request for an image while displaying a loading wheel then display the image after it’s done downloading

    And that’s probably really good for a starter.
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    brainfuck of course!
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    @growling Hey thanks :) I'll most definitely go by that list ;)

    @heyheni Don't even... 😅
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    As long as you are able to understand how Android works as @growling said, it doesn't matter the syntax but sadly native android developers are going to a dead end after the cross platform thing. So sad am now migrating from android to backend engineer.
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    @Mba3gar Yeah, I've looked into cross platform with React Native and such, and even PWAs. Web is what I do. But I felt like I would get a lot more flexibility with pure Java/Kotlin, and also, I'm guessing it would be even quicker to develop than with a web stack. And then there's performance as well, of course.
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    @Null0x90 Hired as fullstack web developer, so I think I'm fine thank you ;) I'm doing it for fun :)
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    @Null0x90 Depends on the place of living. Where I'm from Kotlin is used for most of the new projects but Java knowledge is a must for legacy.
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    I say, use Xamarin and C#
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    @PJesus Xamarin is dead. React Native is best when it comes to cross-platform. Maybe Flutter in the future.
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    @PJesus @TheKarlo95 Wait, you mean that people actually used C# for Android dev?
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    @TheKarlo95 kkk do funny but Xamarin is alive and it goes well


    Now tell me, about Reactive Native(RN). If it's so good and "native". Why Facebook, the company that created the RN , can't do a good app? Look the Facebook app, it's so heavy and slowly.
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    @ScriptCoded Some people do. It's CroosPlataform(Windows[UWP],iOS,MacOS, Linux,Android,Tizen) and the output it's a native app! It's beautiful.
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    @PJesus Hmm, interesting
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