Tonight, I had the pleasure of being challenged to make a virus for a VM over at the awesome "virus aquarium": computernewb.com

I present to you the Eevee fork/bomb.
Tonight, was the first night where I've ever sat down and programmed in VBS. I had a lot of fun doing it too. Right now I'm aiming at corrupting taskkill, tskill, and shutdown for good measure. These are a few of the things that my buddy has pulled on me that has made it difficult for me to continue moving forward.

The other part is to create seperate .exe files that would run my the necessary script. Each of these .exe files will be unique such that it's more difficult to shut all of them down at once.

Despite the fact that this thing will quite literally break your computer, it's fun being challenged to think outside of the box. Quite literally. I've always been careful about what things I touched on a PC, but tonight was fun because I was basically unchained and allowed to run rampant.

As a computer geek I think it's good to let out your inner demon and see what havoc one could wreak.

  • 7
    i'm faving this for future reference :)
  • 3
    Vxheaven have a ton of stuff for those endeavours..

    Though, the most useful sources ive found was on github and some blackhat forums.. :p

    Always for educational purposes, of course.. :)
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    @tisaconundrum Thanks for introducing me to a new site (there goes all of my free time...)! There's one VM I see with just one Eevee. You're insane in a good way. Keep up the great work!
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    if you really wanted your virus to make someone mad, use an image of Donald Trump.:)
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    @surgiie that's cruel even for a black hat.
  • 1
    Awesome a know some people who would love it even if its a virus,
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    Now in the corner add an Evie who gives "tips" like Clippy from a decade ago. That will really make you stand out.
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    @macleod Oh! Now i'm really tempted XD
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    @macleod but all the tips just say, eevee eevee eevee. because that's what pokemon do
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    @tisaconundrum well I would be very surprised if pikachu would shout out "eevee eevee". So I guess that's just what eevee does.
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