
So I've finished dicking around with Python to learn the fundamentals. Now I want to give Game Development a try before I write it off. What would be a good set of tools to start learning for it? Unity and C#? I've heard someone recommend Rust for it

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    Unity and C# are a great choice
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    Unity and C# is probably the most tutorial rich path to take, so yeah, go for it.

    While you're at it, you should also check out for "Unity3D best practices". Might come in real handy, depending on what kind of projects you're working on.
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    Although I like Rust, it's not a good choice for someone coming from Python, wanting to make games without learning many new programming concepts first.

    I think Unity would be a good idea
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    Try to find unity tutorials written by and for programmers though. Most tutorials are written by and for non programmers, that complicates unity for us programmers unneededly..
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    maybe starting your fundamentals in Purely OOP is a great way to start. maybe Java - LWJGL and/or C# - Unity is way to go
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    Humble bundle has a unity sale now
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