Well, do u? 😂😂😂😂

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    Check your loops bro...
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    Original content confirmed
  • 3
    "Protect & Defend Against Web Attacks!" was funnier than the actual joke
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    POJO or nothing!

    Joke aside, everywoman wants to be treates like a singleton 😎 a factory works better for us tho 🙄
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    @KennyTheBard no worries there most woman at a certain age want to become a factory too 🤰

    The suggestion is so bad. In C++ he would still treat her as an object she just doesn't have any privacy by default...
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    @hjk101 well, it's better than assembly, where she would be treated only as waste of stack space
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    this would work great as an yo mama joke! Yo mama is so fat, the stack overflowed when i tried to save a pointer to her
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    @KennyTheBard don't you think it's time to set some boundaries?
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    @hjk101 really? i tought some more MB to the stack would solve the problem 😶 anyway, sorry if i was rude, didn't intend 🙁
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    Well as an object I think they get more memory allocation so they should feel more appreciated.
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    @KennyTheBard it would only mean your mama has a large amount of data. Why would it mean she's fat?
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    @YousifMansour so you are pro treating women as objects! i knew it! yo mama is a strong independent instance, she needs no gross value on the stack to point to her 😤😤
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    @KennyTheBard Yo mama's mess seems to know no bounds. Time to implement a garbage collector.

    To stay topic both men and woman are object of the actor class. Unfortunately so many woman are NPC's 😉
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    @hjk101 i like where this is going, sir!
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