
Hey, DevRantDevs: Is there a particular reason there is no pony tail hairstyle? At least I can't find one for males.

  • 2
    These feels like a question for @trogus and @dfox
  • 2

    thanks, I was not aware who they were.
  • 3
    Can't find it in the female styles either. Ponytails are so convenient though
  • 1
    Also there's no blonde hair colour. Only yellow and gray.
  • 2
    There’s also the lack of pink hair for men
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    @trogus looks like you got some work todo 😋 lol
  • 4
    Shouldn't all the hair just be unisex?
  • 1
    Because we decided collectively that we didn’t want people associating developers with the ‘look’ akin to Kavanagh from stargate a while back?

    Idk. In all seriousness though, ping the honchos and see about getting it in 👍
  • 3
    and a braid, please please! That would complete my RL look :D
  • 3
    @aerfromenes @trogus ponytail and braid for both sexes! Pls! Let me know if I can help!
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    I find ridiculous to have gender-specific haircuts. It just makes me sick
  • 3
    @jeeper At a quick glance I confused your bird for a ponytail. Might need to get some sleep soon...
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