
What's your favourite IDE? 😁
I'm currently working with Emacs and it's great! (But Sublime Text is still beautiful)

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    IntelliJ because it doesn't break. Sublime because FAST.
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    IDE, I'll chose jetbrains' ones, and NetBeans as a free alternative.

    Editor, sublime and vim, always
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    With enough plugins VSCode may as well be an IDE.
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    Okay okay - meanwhile I find IntelliJ also good and use it more than Eclipse (but Eclipse is not that bad as some people say - in my opinion). Vim of course on a Linux box. And... what I have always open during the programming day is .... tadada... Notepad++
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    Python's default interpretter is my favorite playground for instant checking of some random programming logic that popped in my mind.

    Other than that, almost all jetbrains softwares for computing nd vs code for editing/viewing files
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    @Jakuho haha, good! Sublime here :)
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    Jatbrains has always been my fave
    But anyway, good old sh3ll :D
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    VSCode with YouCompleteMe
    For now...
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    IDE or text editor?

    VScode with proper plugin
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    @devTea VSCode can pretty much become an IDE with enough plugins.
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    VSCode 😊
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    Vscode and vim.

    They are not IDE, but it works as an answer. 😃
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    i thought sublime and emacs is text editor not an IDE
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    Text editor: VS Code
    IDE: Visual Studio and Pycharm

    Least favourite: Eclipse :)
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    Color contrast and visual design pleasance is so important in IDE because we are pretty much married to it =p we need to look at it 7 hours a day.
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    Intellij IDEA (Dark theme)
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    JetBrains products
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    Visual Studio Code
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    VS Code :)
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